8 Ways to Embrace Life's Simple Pleasures

8 Ways to Embrace Life's Simple Pleasures

Embracing simplicity isn't about doing less; it's about loving more - more of the everyday, the ordinary, the easily overlooked. Here's how you can start to cultivate an appreciation for the simple things in life, because in them, we often find the truest sense of happiness.

In a world that's always racing to the next big thing, the art of savoring the simple pleasures often falls by the wayside. We're conditioned to strive for the grandiose, to seek out life-changing experiences, to accumulate stories that are Instagram-worthy. But what about the warmth of sunlight on your face, the laughter shared over a home-cooked meal, or the serene silence of a morning before the world wakes up? These are the unassuming moments that, when noticed, begin to weave the rich tapestry of contentment in our lives. Embracing simplicity isn't about doing less; it's about loving more - more of the everyday, the ordinary, the easily overlooked. Here's how you can start to cultivate an appreciation for the simple things in life, because in them, we often find the truest sense of happiness.


  • Create Mindful Moments: Start your day with a moment of stillness. Before you dive into your tasks, take a few deep breaths and set an intention to notice the beauty in the mundane.
  • Cultivate Contentment: Challenge yourself to find contentment with what you have. Rediscover the hobbies and pastimes that are already available to you, and find joy in those.
  • Seek Out Smiles: Share smiles liberally. Whether it's with a neighbor or a co-worker, acknowledge others with a warm smile—it's one of the simplest yet most rewarding exchanges.
  • Practice Presence: Engage fully with the task at hand. Whether washing dishes or listening to a friend, be fully there, and find the subtle joy in participation and attentiveness
  • Rediscover Your Senses: Take the time to really taste your food, to listen to the sounds around you, to touch the textures of your environment, and to inhale the scents that ordinarily go unnoticed.
  • Express Gratitude: Make it a habit to express gratitude daily. Whether verbally to others or written in a journal, acknowledging the good in your life magnifies it.
  • Volunteer Your Time: Engage in acts of kindness without expectation of return. The simplest act of giving can bring profound joy both to the giver and the receiver.
  • Embrace the Arts: Listen to music, read a poem, or watch a sunrise. Artistic expressions and nature's displays are some of life's simplest yet richest pleasures.


The truth is, the world doesn’t need to be on pause for us to appreciate what we usually overlook. It’s about finding balance, tuning into the frequency where simplicity sings its subtle hymns. This is a personal journey, a conscious choice, and an art in itself—one that we can all master with a bit of patience and a lot of heart. Let’s step into a life where the everyday is celebrated, where we realize that joy doesn’t wait at the mountain peak, but accompanies us as we climb, step by simple step. So, take this as your sign to turn down the volume of life’s complexities and tune into the beauty of the basics. Make this your day to start—pick a point from above and begin the rewarding journey back to the joy in simplicity.